Here is the first installment of "Leadership Profiles." I have asked a series of questions to up and coming leaders that I know personally. They will share their thoughts on leadership and you can respond and interact with them!
Vanessa Van Petten
Teen Author of You're Grounded! and Creator of
How has "Teens Today" affected you as a leader?
Building a blog, a company and a brand from scratch has been one of the most difficult and fun things I have ever had to do. In terms of being a leader, it taught me to be patient and to keep working even if I did not always know the final outcome I was working toward. I have had to inspire youth and parents and that has made me conscious of my every word and action and how it would affect my readers and users.
Who are some leaders who have been role models for you?
Candice Carpenter, the founder of iVillage has been the ultimate role model for me. She has been a leader in the business world, in the online arena, for her readers, and to women everywhere. She created iVillage when there was nothing else like it on the web to bring women entertainment advice and a community. She was able to make money while also doing good things for the world around her.
What is the best advice about being a leader that you'd like to share with everyone?
Dream big, work hard and you will get there.
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