April 3, 2008

The Most Influential Leader...

For me this is something I don't think about much. I grew up not really "looking up" to anyone, but rather trying to become a better leader myself. When I do ponder this question, there are only 2 clear answers: 1) Jesus - regardless if you believe in Christianity or not, the character, influence and actions of Jesus are beyond comprehension. Instead of taking revenge, he would forgive. When he could take the credit, he deferred to his father. He tells us to love our enemies. He defied logic. What other person in history has a legacy now that is much greater than when he was on Earth? 2) My parents. I am very fortunate to have a dad and mom whom I confide it, ask for support and look to for guidance. I didn't have to search any further than my own house for someone to help me grow. That's my story, but now I want to hear yours...

Who has been/is the most influential leader in your life? Please share your comments!

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