May 4, 2008

Coaching Survey Results

If you have experienced coaching, what’s the best part about it?

New Perspective (36%)

You would be amazed how looking at the same problem in a new light can change everything. Coaching doesn’t change your circumstances, but it changes your outlook and hope of the situation. All of a sudden you feel more confident, more in control and more motivated!

More motivation/effort on my part (24%)

Coaching is about YOU doing more. You become more motivated because it’s my job to understand what it is you want and show you how to get it. If you knew the solutions to your problems, wouldn’t you be more motivated?!

Increased Confidence (20%)

Confidence comes from knowing what you do best and doing more of it. Identifying and maximizing your strengths is my main focus when I coach people. Why spend time contemplating your weaknesses? Did you know you have the greatest room for growth in the areas of your strengths? More confidence makes you feel you can conquer the world!

Accomplishing More (20%)

In coaching you reach your goals FASTER. It’s that simple. It is not restricted to one area, it’s basically a free for all. Where you want to go, I follow. They’re YOUR goals, I just want to see you reach them. I believe coaching makes you more efficient. The more successful you are, the more successful I am.

So what are you waiting for?! If you’ve tried it, tell you friends about it. If you haven’t call (310) 295-0046!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

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