March 31, 2008

Coaching Profile: Eric Ige


Length of Coaching: 3 months

How has coaching helped you?
Coaching gave me determination, confidence, and guidance in the areas I wanted to grow in. It has helped me in decisions regarding school, career, and my personal development. It was also a tremendous help when I received coaching for my relationships with my dad and current girlfriend.

What have you benefited most from coaching w/ Scott?
I now know and understand myself much more. I know my strengths, weaknesses, how I work, and what makes me tick. By being able to identify things about myself, it's easier to relate to others and understand their differences. Once I know myself it's easy to set my priorities and values. So when ever I need to make a decision, it's fast and efficient because my premeditated priorities have pretty much already decided for me.

Would you recommend coaching to others?
Yes! I would recommend coaching. It's good if you're not sure about something. It's also good if you're sure about everything, because even though you may think everything is perfect, coaching could help you identity areas where you can develop even further. I think there's always room for growing.

That’s Eric’s “Coaching Experience”…What do you think? Have any questions?
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