May 4, 2008

Coaching Survey Results

If you have experienced coaching, what’s the best part about it?

New Perspective (36%)

You would be amazed how looking at the same problem in a new light can change everything. Coaching doesn’t change your circumstances, but it changes your outlook and hope of the situation. All of a sudden you feel more confident, more in control and more motivated!

More motivation/effort on my part (24%)

Coaching is about YOU doing more. You become more motivated because it’s my job to understand what it is you want and show you how to get it. If you knew the solutions to your problems, wouldn’t you be more motivated?!

Increased Confidence (20%)

Confidence comes from knowing what you do best and doing more of it. Identifying and maximizing your strengths is my main focus when I coach people. Why spend time contemplating your weaknesses? Did you know you have the greatest room for growth in the areas of your strengths? More confidence makes you feel you can conquer the world!

Accomplishing More (20%)

In coaching you reach your goals FASTER. It’s that simple. It is not restricted to one area, it’s basically a free for all. Where you want to go, I follow. They’re YOUR goals, I just want to see you reach them. I believe coaching makes you more efficient. The more successful you are, the more successful I am.

So what are you waiting for?! If you’ve tried it, tell you friends about it. If you haven’t call (310) 295-0046!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

April 14, 2008

Leadership Profile: Kimberly Nojima

Kimberly Nojima
Culver City HS Senior - CPY (Youth & Government Student Leader)

How has Youth & Government affected you as a leader?
CPY has definitely given me more confidence in public speaking, especially when I have minimal time to prepare what I want to say. It has also given me a better understanding of how politics works, whether it be in government, school, or in relationships to an extent. It has given me better people skills, as I get to meet new friends from across the state.

Who are some leaders who have been role models for you?
Well, you [Scott] obviously, as you gave me a lot of the advice that helped me through middle and high school. More recently, my role models have been Kevin Wong, as he has been youth directing at Westlight Church, and my Multicultural Literature and ASB Student Council teacher, Mr. Valverde, because he teaches and lives out his life with such integrity and positivity that I would also like to have in mine.

What is the best advice about being a leader that you'd like to share with everyone?
To be a leader you need to know that others are watching you. Therefore, live out your life keeping that in mind and keeping yourself in check. Granted, you will make mistakes and some bad decisions, but for the most part, live with integrity. Also, being a leader doesn't necessarily mean being loud and speaking about what you believe or what you want others to believe--its also about constant listening and action without words.

Please leave a comment, share with a friend or if you have a question - contact me:

April 3, 2008

The Most Influential Leader...

For me this is something I don't think about much. I grew up not really "looking up" to anyone, but rather trying to become a better leader myself. When I do ponder this question, there are only 2 clear answers: 1) Jesus - regardless if you believe in Christianity or not, the character, influence and actions of Jesus are beyond comprehension. Instead of taking revenge, he would forgive. When he could take the credit, he deferred to his father. He tells us to love our enemies. He defied logic. What other person in history has a legacy now that is much greater than when he was on Earth? 2) My parents. I am very fortunate to have a dad and mom whom I confide it, ask for support and look to for guidance. I didn't have to search any further than my own house for someone to help me grow. That's my story, but now I want to hear yours...

Who has been/is the most influential leader in your life? Please share your comments!

March 31, 2008

Coaching Profile: Eric Ige


Length of Coaching: 3 months

How has coaching helped you?
Coaching gave me determination, confidence, and guidance in the areas I wanted to grow in. It has helped me in decisions regarding school, career, and my personal development. It was also a tremendous help when I received coaching for my relationships with my dad and current girlfriend.

What have you benefited most from coaching w/ Scott?
I now know and understand myself much more. I know my strengths, weaknesses, how I work, and what makes me tick. By being able to identify things about myself, it's easier to relate to others and understand their differences. Once I know myself it's easy to set my priorities and values. So when ever I need to make a decision, it's fast and efficient because my premeditated priorities have pretty much already decided for me.

Would you recommend coaching to others?
Yes! I would recommend coaching. It's good if you're not sure about something. It's also good if you're sure about everything, because even though you may think everything is perfect, coaching could help you identity areas where you can develop even further. I think there's always room for growing.

That’s Eric’s “Coaching Experience”…What do you think? Have any questions?
Please leave a comment:

March 23, 2008

Coaching Profile: Keri Kaba

Keri Kaba
Owner of Kabahead Kreations & Victory Fellowship Church Youth Director

Length of Coaching: 7 months

How has coaching helped you?
Coaching has helped me to identify and consolidate all of my ideas and skills and focus them in one direction, enabling me to be a more effective leader.

What have you benefited most from coaching w/ Scott?
Scott knows the ins and outs of running a ministry, teams, or a business and has been able to pass on a lot of his knowledge and first-hand experience to me, which has helped me problem-solve and make decisions. It is also great to have someone follow up on the goals and tasks that I set for myself so that I don't forget or ignore them.

Would you recommend coaching to others?
Yes! I'm learning more and more that in any profession, connecting with people who are able to guide you and provide insight into your work is important for growth. Coaching does just that--it is an intentional connection that you make on a regular basis, which grows you in a way you can't just get from reading a book or attending a one-time seminar.

Please leave a comment, share with a friend or if you have a question - contact me:

March 17, 2008

Leadership Profile: Vanessa Van Petten

Here is the first installment of "Leadership Profiles." I have asked a series of questions to up and coming leaders that I know personally. They will share their thoughts on leadership and you can respond and interact with them!

Vanessa Van Petten
Teen Author of You're Grounded! and Creator of

How has "Teens Today" affected you as a leader?

Building a blog, a company and a brand from scratch has been one of the most difficult and fun things I have ever had to do. In terms of being a leader, it taught me to be patient and to keep working even if I did not always know the final outcome I was working toward. I have had to inspire youth and parents and that has made me conscious of my every word and action and how it would affect my readers and users.

Who are some leaders who have been role models for you?
Candice Carpenter, the founder of iVillage has been the ultimate role model for me. She has been a leader in the business world, in the online arena, for her readers, and to women everywhere. She created iVillage when there was nothing else like it on the web to bring women entertainment advice and a community. She was able to make money while also doing good things for the world around her.

What is the best advice about being a leader that you'd like to share with everyone?
Dream big, work hard and you will get there.

Please leave a comment, share with a friend or if you have a question - contact me:

February 29, 2008

What is the Most Important Trait of Leader?

Defining what makes a great leader is a challenging task. What you value in a leader is usually what you expect of a leader. I remember having a 4-hour long discussion during a class in my Master's program debating the most important traits of a leader, yet we still could not come to a consensus! That shows how difficult defining a leader can be! For me, the most important trait is integrity. Integrity is doing the right thing, no matter what. It is sticking to your word and following through with your commitments - consistently. Integrity is honesty. It is being able to trust what someone says. I believe it is the foundation of a leader. I've seen people get hired for their talents or abilities, but get fired for their character flaws. When a leader is "safe" and can be trusted, it is the beginning of a leader's lifelong legacy....

Now that's how I feel. Tell me what you believe is the most important trait of a leader!

Make sure to forward this to your friends!